The Mission…

I help sober-curious goddess women seize endless freedom and happiness by reframing their relationship with alcohol.

Join the movement. Hear the call. Reclaim your life, your relationships, your purpose

This is important. What we’re doing is important, and we can do this together.

Join Me in Sober Curious Women. Let’s RECLAIM ourselves!



What I believe about Women and the World that allowed me to find this work.

Women are unique beings incarnated into this world for a sacred spiritual journey. The soul's journey. Women are born wild and brave, living from the inside out. We are born as goddesses untamed, shining brightly for the world. We are like fairies, radiant beings joyful and free. The girl we are before the world and society define the margins within which we're encouraged to grow. 

We are encouraged to live through a defined lens. We are taught what the triumphant feminine is. We are defined. We commit to being what we think we should be rather than meeting ourselves where we are. We strive to see ourselves through other people's eyes, gauging our self-worth based on the acceptance of others.

We commit to being nice rather than genuine. We are relentlessly dedicated to others’ while systematically overlooking ourselves. Many women struggle to find their authentic voice.

Within this rigid framework, women struggle to manifest their highest potential. 

 As the world would have it, societal beliefs confirm that alcohol is a solution to help us fit comfortably into this framework. We are drawn to alcohol with the promise of becoming the most intelligent, beautiful, gregarious, fearless woman in the room.

I lost myself as I drank to find my place in this framework. I drank to find the courage to be who society expected me to be. I became detached from the awareness that I had a divine purpose. The purpose I was born to live.

No longer was I wild and untamed. My light dampened. I had succeeded in separating from my true spiritual nature and began searching externally, frantically, for what could only be found through an internal spiritual awakening. 

For many women, the detachment from their true selves comes from the deceptive relationship with alcohol. A relationship sanctioned and encouraged supports the final dampening element of our soul's purpose.

But women can call their spirits back by choosing to live alcohol-free lives. There is a better, more powerful option for women to explore.

We can reclaim our voice and awaken our grace.

I encourage women to be brave and live from the inside out. Living Alcohol-Free is the beginning of this reclaiming journey. The nature of the soul's journey is to free oneself from core wounds, core beliefs, and other self-destructive habits. We yearn to live freely and divinely connected. We can reclaim our true spiritual power. We can connect once again to our divine nature.

We will rediscover the goddess within, and again we will live as the untamed beings of light we were born here to be.


Mary E Walls

Life Coach for Sober-Curious Women

Three Components



Rebuilding your Life by making Alcohol Insignificant

It can be intimidating to decide to explore an alcohol-free life. We will walk with you on this path and begin wherever you’re comfortable. The journey is different for everyone.

There are several coaching programs for you to explore.


Restructuring Core Beliefs that Have Held you Back

This Naked Mind's methodology is based on Science as opposed to traditional cultural beliefs, which are the mainstream of conventional recovery traditions. "This Naked Mind's approach to addiction to Alcohol is based on Science and the curiosity to explore ourselves with compassion. A system based on beliefs held in the subconscious mind that has been created over a lifetime and exists on multiple levels. Understanding the latest discoveries in neuroscience and biological science allows us to Reframe Core Beliefs around Alcohol and its role in our lives. It will unleash a new freedom and happiness in your Life.


Reconnecting to your Spirit through Spiritual Alchemy

Alcohol robs us of our deep spiritual connection to ourselves and the universe. Spiritual Alchemy allows you to awaken your spiritual grace. It frees you from your core wounds, core beliefs, soul loss, and other self-destructive habits that rob you of the ability to live freely. To live the purpose-driven life that you have imagined.