Sober-Curious Women

Seize endless freedom and happiness by reframing your relationship with alcohol.

Reframing Alcohol Awakening Grace

As a This Naked Mind Certified Coach, I am deeply committed to fostering a spiritually enriched life experience and advocating for the transformative power of an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle. I believe that this path is essential to living our most authentic lives. My passion lies in coaching women who are eager to explore and redefine their relationship with alcohol, empowering them to reclaim the life they yearn for with intention and clarity.

If you’re questioning your relationship with alcohol and you have the desire

to seize endless freedom and happiness, to live an awakened, connected purpose-driven life.

You’re in the right place!

Has Alcohol taken more from you than it has given?

Human beings yearn to fulfill Four Basic Human Desires…

The First of these Desires is "Aliveness."

Because of my drinking, I was numb and disconnected from my life. I was isolated within, separated from everything that allowed me to live AWAKE. Numbed, I yearned to be "a part of" but feared I would reveal my deepest secret. My drinking was out of control.

Alcohol had stolen my "Aliveness."

The Second Human desire is "Connection."

Alcohol robbed me of my ability to be connected to others. Hurting those around me— I chose to isolate myself, feeling that if I drank alone, no one would know the extent of the problem, nor would they be hurt. This wasn't true. Everyone knew, and everyone was hurt. I had distanced myself from all meaningful relationships in my life. I was alone.

Alcohol severed my “Connection” to those I Love.

The Third Desire is "Meaningful Pursuits."

This is the state of awareness that what we pursue must have meaning. It is what we strive for as our inner purpose. The necessity to know that "What we're doing is important, meaningful to our lives and the lives of those we love." My desire for “doing” was gone. I was numb.

Alcohol eliminated my desire for “Meaningful Pursuit.”

The Final Human Desire is "Growth."

As human beings, we hold a deep desire for growth. We internalize that there is more and seeking that drives us. We want to know we are going to grow. In our business, in our finances, in our relationships, and within ourselves. We’re aware that alcohol disconnects us from the desire and belief that we can grow…

Alcohol Claimed my Ability to “GROW!”


  • Reclaiming your life from Alcohol means You are going to Grow!

  • Your potential is unbound; you will rediscover it on this journey.

  • Reframe your relationship with Alcohol and Reclaim your Life.


To Women… All Women!

You’re the one you’ve been waiting for…

 It’s just as you dreamed... Or maybe you’re not there yet and worried it might not happen…

The kids are launched or launching; the career is winding down or behind you. Travel and creativity are on the horizon, and any idea regarding romantic relations, whether there’s a spouse, you’re in a relationship, or you are looking for connection… Life is good, and WE EARNED IT! 

All the things are done and in the bag. This is our time.  OR IS IT?


 AT 55 yrs of old, I found myself needing to dig deep.

I had launched the kids, semi-retired from a great job, and was ready to explore life and the world.  Ready to go on a grand adventure with my new freedom, but there was just one glitch…

I was drinking nightly and never leaving my home.  

 My drinking escalated over time, and I was drinking more than ever. I was hiding, ashamed and isolated.  I sat in my home night after night, fretting about what life could be.  I was stuck in a horrible loop. There seemed to be no way out.

Countless attempts to stop had failed. Life and time moved forward, but not me. 


I knew this was the case but repeated promises of not today always ended with a bottle of wine and the devastation and shame with the morning light. Over and over again.


Have you reached a point in your life where you are tired of alcohol playing a leading role?

You've finally reached the place of playing the leading role in your life and find that alcohol has already taken that seat.

You’re tired of alcohol always getting in the way, constantly derailing the dream, and never living up to the hype, the promise, the illusion.

Why am I not where I want to be mentally, physically, and spiritually?


 So many women have asked these same questions.

For years the answer has been admitting powerlessness and genetics. But what if it wasn’t your fault?

  • What if there was neuroscience to address your experience with alcohol and a method to conquer the beliefs holding you back?

  • What if there was a way to restructure your relationship with alcohol and reclaim your spirit through Alcohol-Free Living?

  • To discover a way out of this loop that doesn’t include powerlessness, personal labels, or fear.

I am a Sober-Serious Life Coach for women who want to reframe their relationship with alcohol. Women who want to reclaim their inner power and live the purpose-driven life they were born to create.

Reclaim your Life, your relationships, your purpose.

You’re Going to Grow Here. You Have Unbound Potential, and You’re Going to Find It Here

Signature Programs

  • Free Alcohol-Free Week Challenge


    Join us for this Free Challenge. We will explore the significant effects and changes we can experience over seven days when we take a break from Alcohol.

    This Challenge will be starting shortly.

  • Alcohol Reframed: 101


    Over thirty days, as we take a break from Alcohol, we will discover the challenges faced when we make the radical choice to "Not Drink in a Culture Obsessed with Alcohol."

    We will begin to look at the Biological and Neurological effects of Alcohol on our system and our beliefs around "Will Power "and why it will never be enough power to Restructure our relationship with Alcohol.

  • The Alcohol-Free Journey


    Over twelve weeks, we will dig deep to REFRAME our relationship with alcohol. In the first four weeks, we will look at the levels of Belief we hold around alcohol on a subconscious level. Some may choose this initial period to continue drinking, and others may abstain immediately.

    In the 2nd Four Weeks, we will RESET. We call this “THE PAUSE.” All will abstain as we explore the Biological and Neurological Science behind the effects that alcohol has on all people. We will learn why we struggle when we decide to cease this behavior and how to support our bodies and our brain as we free ourselves from this highly addictive substance.

    The Final Four weeks, REWIRE. We will take a significant look at the Theories of Consciousness Mapping, and the effect alcohol has on our vibrational energy. It is this disruption that keeps us from our most profound potential. As we explore “Vibrational Alchemy,” we uncover the power we all hold to draw our deepest desire into our sphere of influence.

    The effect of these combined efforts is life changing program!